
Monday, 30 March 2015

About Me

My name is Edd and I'm addicted to infra-red. It all started during a Lakeland Photo Holidays trip, when John Gravette broke out his IR filter one day. Since that fateful day I have progressed through simple filters to converted compacts, DSLRs and now full spectrum mirrorless cameras. People tell me I'm crazy and yeah, they're probably right :).

This photo was taken by my lovely wife, who I met on Flickr, and who very sweetly supports my IR habit. You can see her lovely work here.

From nine to five thirty (and usually more) I'm a senior environment artist at Rocksteady Studios. I'm currently working on: Batman Arkham Knight. But as the main game recently finished I should now have more time for this blog :).

 Batman Arkham Knight Gameplay Video

I have big plans for this blog. If you would like to get updates on when I add content I have made a Facebook page here: for you to follow if you wish.

For any suggestions about content, or enquiries about using my images you can email me at the following address:, if you have any questions or thought about any of my posts please feel free to post a comment.

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